Liposhaping is an procedure that aims to remove excessive localized fat accumulation in the body and reshape the body’s outline.
The main differences of liposhaping compared to other operations are the size of the cannula used and the proportion between the amount of the fluid given to the region beneath the skin and the amount of the fluid that’s absorbed. Liposhaping is performed using micro-cannulas which are much thinner and it is usually performed with a double amount of the fluid that’s used in other methods.
A Safe Method
Liposhaping is an extremely safe method that can be applied to any area of the body. Stubborn belly fat, the excess fat that makes you look as if you are wearing breeches, fat on the knees and inside of the legs, the fat around the waist or the jowl area, fat under the arm and on your back which causes your bra leave marks on your skin can be diminished through this method.
As very thin cannulas are used for the operation, there is no need for stitching. Differently from liposuction, local anesthesia is applied in liposhaping operations. The recovery process is ensured to be fast; it is easy for the patient to go back to her normal routine after the operation. You may go back to your home even by foot right after the operation.
The fatty mass to be removed from the area liquefies through the help of a serum, a type of anesthetic solution which is injected to the problem area. Therefore, it is easier to detect the fatty regions that are to be operated on while ensuring that the fat is absorbed in a homogenous way.
The patients may realize the apparent results right after the operation. However, the intense recovery will be observed only after three weeks. The new body outline will be discerned approximately three months after the operation. A healthy diet as well as regular exercising may help one to maintain his/her healthy physical condition. The acquired results will be continuous if the patient’s weight does not vary more than 2 kg (either as loss or gain).