Laser Hair Removal is the use of laser beams at a suitable wavelenght for removing hair permanently. It does not damage skin. The target is the melanin which is in the hair’s structure. Laser beams heat up the hair which behaves like conductor in the process and damages all the way to the follicle. However, one session is not enough for all the hair to absorb the beams. The hair is in a pshyical cycle just like all our body cells. For this reason, few sessions are required to get rid of the unwanted hair permanently.
Furthermore, to provide the optimum effect without damaging, the melanin amount in the hair is desired to be denser compared to the skin which also means “dark hair on a light colored skin” is preferred. Otherwise, to avoid damaging skin lower doses will be given. Therefore, there will have to be more sessions. As sessions usually depend on hair density, color and skin type, required session number to remove hair from the same area differs from person to person.
During the laser hair removal process, the hair in our body is in a cycle (growth, rest and fall). When a hair follicle is in growth phase during the session, it is possibly going to be removed permanently in that same session. If hair which is not in the growth phase is exposed to laser beam, the hair gets heated up and cannot complete the task of transferring the beam into the follicle.
Improved System
Tweezing or threading should be avoided before or between sessions. These hair removal methods, thin down hair follicles and reduce the follicle’s sensitivity to the laser beam. Also, the laser hair removal should not be done 48-72 hours after a sunbath or a solarium session. Individual should avoid sun and solarium for few weeks after laser hair removal sessions.
During the session, the aim is to heat up the hair follicle and destroy it permanently. Protecting the skin is very important factor while heating up hair follicles. To perform the process without damaging the skin, a cooling tip or gas is used before the process. Cooling tips are the most important features that differs latest laser hair removal devices from others.
Hair density does not only discomfort women, men are also discomforted by the hair between eyebrows, high parts of the cheek, shoulders, neck, back and chest. The process is efficient in reducing the hair density, treating and preventing ingrown hair caused by shaving in men. As men have darker and thicker hair, they are expected to get better results compared to women.
New laser systems include cooling systems to prevent pain during the process. Our clinic uses Alexandrite and Diod lasers which include cooling systems.